Kudos gone but not forgotten
TSR New Site is very sleek and seems a lot easier to navigate, it took a little whiile to adapt to however it was fairly straight forward and has already enticed me to other parts of the site such as this blog page. Well you can say I've popped my blog cherry on TSR as I've never felt the need, nor have I had the inclination to write a blog entry before.
What could possibly drive me to start now you ask? Well the answer is, the abandonning of Kudos and it's rewards. I myself have had a paid subscription, (which might I say is heavenly) however not always affordable and the Kudos points were a way in which somebody could unlock all the exotic goodies. So the Kudos offered another way to access these delacacies which inspired people to take the time to thank the artists for their most amazing efforts and leave comments.
In return for their efforts people would be rewarded with options to "Pimp their Profile" as well as other delights such as a days free subscription. Having followed the yellow brick road to be rewarded with just over 7000 points I then sought to cash them in on a free subscription day. As I would only have twenty four hours to grab the gold I decided to prepare myself with a list of prefered artists and items and awaited an applicable time to spend my day in download mode.
A few days passed and the time arrived for DLoad day. After logging in and racing to the Kudos shop I found the reward was increased to 7500 Kudos. So somewhat disappointed I began the search for new items to pillage and posted new comments until some weeks later I reached the mark.
Having had a little inclination something might go wrong the first time and being correct I was a little horrified to find I had the same apprehension upon logging on at my second attempt to achieve a days free subscription. I put it down to my previous experience until I loaded the site and WOW!
What happend, I didn't recognize the place, the place I used to call my computers second home had been renovated into a sleek and modern version of what once was. After some searching I found to my utter destruction, NO KUDOS points were being awarded. Good grief Charlie Brown!
So I decided to take a look at the new site and found it was much easier to navigate than the old site and made my way to the forums. This is where the story takes a turn for the good. I leave a post and I get a reply letting me know how to obtain my reward. This is most satisfying and leaves me to ready myself for the next attempt at my dowload spree.
A few days later I follow the links and find myself on the new site with all the subscriber downloads unlocked and off I go. Woo Hoo my Simmies will be so excited when they see all their new items, well at least that was what I thought during the two hour dowloading extravaganza. After being unavoidably drawn away from my laptop for over an hour I returned to log back in to TSR only to spend another two hours filling my download basket. Each pick an enchanting moment, looking forward to using the creations in exciting and inventive ways. When I pushed the download button it became apparent my free subscription was no longer. This made me very sad....
I have made a note with the powers that be so I will be interested to see what the follow up leads to however: The moral to this story is although I could have filled a few hard drives with all the material I could download over a twenty four hour period I probably wouldn't possibly be able to use it all. So even though I would love to have the other twenty two hours of free downloading I am extremely grateful for all the wonderful items I did manage to download.
So although I desired to be greedy I will instead be greatful because after all the site is filled with awesome free stuff and the Kudos points were free also as a bonus for the free things we already got. All this adds up to having to say THANKS TSR you people ROCK! My Sims thank you also!!
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